Art and Design
Why is Art important?
At Saint Joseph’s, Art and Design is important to our school as it is linked to the school mission statement. Our curriculum is inclusive where all children are engaged, inspired and encouraged to aim high. The children are encouraged to become independent learners and creative thinkers. Learning is developed through the journey and understanding of our four main core principles;
As a knowledge-rich curriculum we believe that knowledge underpins and enables the application of skills. Our curriculum is designed to support children in recalling and building upon prior knowledge by continually revisiting core skills, but also increasing challenge year on year. As each step in a learning journey develops, it incorporates a deeper understanding of prior learning.
The children are able to explore materials, processes and techniques in a safe, secure way where all children’s work is appreciated and celebrated and sharing in God’s love.
In Art children develop a sense of awe and wonder of God’s creation and an appreciation of the work of other artists, other cultures, in addition to the work of their own class.
They are supported to develop skills year on year fulfilling their full potential.
They are encouraged to support and work with each other to share their skills.
They are enabled to look at their own work and respect the work of others and suggest improvements in a caring and supportive way.
Their communication skills are developed throughout their work in looking at their own work and researching the work of other artists and designers. ICT research skills are also developed in meaningful ways. Embedded in our curriculum is the exploration and analytical discussion of the work of other cultures, artists and designers, developing visual literacy and communication skills. We promote appreciation and value in all artwork, displaying children’s work of all abilities throughout the year, building their confidence and self-esteem. When appropriate we further broaden our children’s experiences by providing wide ranging extra-curricular opportunities, gallery visits and inviting artists to work with us.
What are the aims of Art?
We aim for all pupils to:
• Produce creative work drawing on their own experiences and ideas.
• Become proficient in drawing, painting and sculpture.
• Master the use of a range of tools and materials.
• Critically evaluate and analyse creative work using key Art and Design language.
• Know about a range of great artist, craft makers and designers, showing a good understanding of the historical and cultural development of their art form.
How it is taught?
Art is taught once a term, with Art and DT being taught on alternative half-terms. It is taught in blocks of lessons over a week period. This is to ensure the children can design, research, experiment and then carry out a piece over work in a meaningful seeing a project through from start to finish.
Art is taught using the objectives from the National Curriculum and with the use of the Progression of Key Skills document to ensure progression throughout the school.
Art is kept in a portfolio in each class and a whole school portfolio is being developed for each of the areas of drawing, painting and 3D work.
Children will develop their knowledge and skills from trips to museums such as trips to museums and art galleries such as Gallery Oldham or having artists in to visit school to work with the children.
What do we hope children will get from Art?
At Saint Joseph’s, the children will have developed the skills in drawing, painting and 3D work achieving their own potential. They will have developed a love and a feeling of success in art leading to some to be inspired to take up Art and Design at GCSE and further forward a career in which all can use and apply the skills that they have developed.
Children will have developed their ability to become good communicators, independent learners and creative thinkers.
The children will have developed a deeper knowledge of a range of artists their work and attempted to explore some of their techniques. This will have been enriched by trips to look more closely at the work of artists and having some experience working along artists themselves. The children exploring a range of themes will gain a good understanding and learn to a deeper questioning skills of the world around them and lead to a sense of awe, wonder and respect for God’s World. They will appreciate and celebrate both their own work and the world of others. They will be able to critique in a constructive and supportive way.
What we teach across the school in this subject:
HT1 |
HT2 |
HT3 |
HT4 |
HT5 |
HT6 |
Foundation Stage year 1 cycle |
Lowry Sketching |
Van Gough Painting |
Observational drawing natural outside. |
Sclupture- Kate Malone |
Foundation stage year 2 cycle |
Pablo Picasso |
Andy Goldsworthy |
Paul Klee |
Year 1 |
Exploring materials & Colour mixing |
Gustav Klimt – Nature |
Portraits - Andy Warhol
Year 2 |
Landscapes – Metzinger’s Mosaics
Colour Chaos |
Colour Chaos
Year 3 |
Cave art |
Sculpture cartouche |
Georgia O’Keefe |
Year 4 |
Sketching Cartoonists (Matt Groening) |
Native American Art Various Artists |
Landscapes |
Year 5 |
Mayan Art Mask designs looking at animal patterns – snake, lizard and jaguar
Keith Haring = hiphop graffiti linking to music
Gaudi - Mosaics |
Year 6 |
African Art – Tinga Tinga |
Paul Nash & John Nash - war artists Trip to Imperial War Museum
Helen Bradley – local artist to link with Cotton Mills topic Trip to Gallery Oldham