All of this information has been communicated to parents previously in letters which is always available if parents wish to update their copy. However, these are reminders:
School Hours
School gates are open from 8:50am and staff are in classes from this time. School Starts promptly at 9:00am and closes at 3:30pm. The school has a legal obligation to follow up on lateness (after 9:10am) and to report on this. Lateness after the registration period is classed as an unauthorised absence unless good reason legally allows the head teacher to authorise it.
These must be reported to school as soon as possible on the 1st day of any child’s absence by the parent with parental responsibility. The school has a legal obligation to follow up / report on unauthorised and unacceptable absence. Non-notification constitutes an immediate unauthorised absence, but it is even more important to notify us so that if any child is sent into school – but does not arrive - we will know from the fact we have got no phone call that something could be wrong and alert emergency services if necessary.
Late Collection
Any child not collected from school by 3:45pm will be escorted over to the Child Care Club to await collection, which will incur cost at the cost rate charged by that club. This will be supported by the local authority’s legal department if dispute over the charge occurs. This policy will affect very few parents indeed, but will affect one or two parents who have been consistently turning up at very late times.
Dinner Money
Please always pay on time via the School Gateway online payment system. Governors have made it clear that the school cannot incur debt and we have a sizeable minority who consistently pay late. Regular late payers or non-payers will have details passed to the legal department and will be denied the option of using the school meal service.
Music Lessons
For every child having music lessons, please pay Rocksteady Music directly.
Please do not send in jewellery of any kind. Theft is rare – but damage and theft can happen in any school. Earrings are not allowed to be worn under any circumstances in PE or swimming lessons. This complies with guidelines and may affect any decision over the timing of when a parent chooses to have their child’s ears pierced.
Please park considerately and be role models to the children in your patience and good manners – especially if a conflict is building! Remember our neighbours and try to avoid thoughtless parking and especially avoid the discourtesy of blocking a person’s driveway. We are a Catholic school and as a Christian family we should always remember the message we are giving to members of the public. Be kind, patient and respectful to others on the parich car park, even if you think they are not being kind, patient and respectful to you - parents are the first teachers and children will see the way you behave when confronted with rude, disrespectful people. Be a role model.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are not allowed in school. If your child walks home alone and brings a mobile phone, they MUST give it in to the office at the start of the day before entering the school site and they can collect it at 3:30pm.
Please do not send your child into school if they are poorly and/or can pass germs onto other children. We have had several instances of this and it is not fair on other children or their parents. If your child has experienced vomiting or diarrhoea, please keep them off school for 48 hours after the last instance.
Please only take these during holiday periods. The school is under pressure to cut down on holidays in term time. Unauthorised absence/holidays may result in a fixed financial penalty notice.
Contact Numbers
Please keep these updated. We need these in case of emergency.
Please see the school uniform policy.
Healthy Eating
Please do not send sweets, cake, and chocolate for birthdays – we cannot give these out. Snacks should be healthy options. Water bottles are for water and not for sweet drinks or drinks with additives.
Mass Times
Mass at St Joseph’s is at 11am Sunday. Our Parish Priest is Rev. Fr. Stephen Doyle
Parents sometimes ask staff to endorse passport applications etc. This we do and unlike some GPs etc. we do not charge! However, we always invite people to make a donation of their choosing or to CAFOD.
Please note any person working/helping in school must have gone through a full DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check. Parents wishing to undertake this can obtain forms via the school office.